Past Seminars

Fall Semester 2022
Date Topic Speaker Affiliation
15.09.2022 Look for the bare necessities: Determining the minimum housing standards for mice Michelle Gygax University of Bern
29.09.2022 Effects of different commercial rearing aviary designs on activity patterns, locomotory abilities, and behavioural characteristics of different strains of laying hen pullets Ana Rentsch University of Bern
12.10.2022 Driving Animal Welfare Science Forwards using Machine Learning - Good practices and common pitfalls Stijn Brouwers Agroscope
10.11.2022 Validation of ear positions and ear movements as ethological indicators for stress and pain Lara Piccolo University of Bern
24.11.2022 Evidence for coordinated movement in large groups of laying hens. Elisa Perinot University of Bern
08.12.2022 Using clonal fish to understand the developmental drivers of behavioral individuality Kate Laskowski UC Davis