Abstract submission

This year interested participants will have the possibility to submit their abstracts and present their research on SABV and sex differences. The number of selected abstracts will be limited to 30 (20 abstracts for poster sessions, 10 each day, and 10 selected for short talks). We needed to limit this due to space constraints.

Abstracts should be submitted by June 6th, 2024, via email to ivana.jaric@unibe.ch and submitters must first complete the registration for the symposium.

The abstract must contain a list of authors together with their affiliations, with the presenting author highlighted. The title should not exceed 25 words, and the body text is limited to 250 words. We encourage all participants to submit abstracts, even with some preliminary data or study concepts where both sexes are included, as the conference provides a great opportunity to receive feedback from experts on further analysis and steps.

Please note that it is now possible to submit only abstracts for poster presentations.