Dr. Homare Yamahachi Assistant to 3Rs Coordinator Phone +41 31 684 22 13 E-Mail homare.yamahachi@unibe.ch Office 228 Postal Address Animal Welfare Division Veterinary Public Health Institute University of Bern Länggassstrasse 120 3012 Bern
CV I finished my Biology degree at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina before obtaining my PhD in Charles Gilbert lab at The Rockefeller University in New York City. During my doctoral studies, I discovered that changes in sensory experience alter neuronal structural plasticity in vivo using viral vectors and two-photon microscopy. During my postdoc at the Moser lab in Norway, I studied how the brain computes space to navigate the world. I then studied social communication in birds with an emphasis on animal welfare in Richard Hahnloser’s lab at the University of Zurich and ETHZ. Here, I am involved in coordinating the 3Rs Principle of Animal Experimentation (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) within the University of Bern and across the Swiss Higher Research Institutions.